April 21, 2010

THE Best, YOUR Best or GODs Best?

Filed under: Pressing Toward the Mark — Katryna Starks @ 11:00 am

by Katryna Starks

THE Best
If you watch television or flip through a magazine, you’ll be bombarded with advertisements that describe their product as “the best.” You will see words like “The #1 (product)”; “The Top-Selling”; “The Most Requested”, etc. All of these words describe “The Best”. They also imply that, in order for you to be the best, you have to buy the best. The only problem with that is, there can only be one “best.” And, since what’s “in” now often becomes “passe” five minutes from now, “the best” is always changing! How can you possibly keep up?

Your best is what you can do all on your own. You can go to school, try to get good grades, get a good job and join the rat race, but, as someone once said “no matter how far you get in the rat race, you’re still a rat.” You can buy the clothes and keep up with the fashions. You can cycle through cars, homes and relationships in that quest for status. But, even when you get all that you were looking for, will you be satisfied? Proverbs 27:20 says, “Death and Destruction are never satisfied, and neither are the eyes of man” (emphasis mine). That means that our eyes always want to see more, and since we want what we see, we will always want more. In other words, without the intervening grace of God, we will never be satisfied with what we have — or who we are.

GOD’S Best
God is your creator. Not only did God create you, He also created everyone else — and the world that we all live in. Furthermore, because God is everywhere and knows everything, He knew when He created you: where you would live, what jobs would be available, what the politics and fashions would be, etc. He even knew what neighborhood you would live in. Not only did God KNOW these things when He created you — He PLACED you in that situation. And He did it for a REASON! The book of Jeremiah says that God “knit you together in your mother’s womb.” Later Jeremiah 29:11 says “I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” The God who created you also has a PURPOSE for you! This purpose isn’t something that’s hidden away, either. If you pray to God and ask Him what it is, He will either tell you directly or guide you along the path toward it. So, instead of trying to “buy the best” to be the best, just find out God’s purpose for you and then live it!

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